Church Staff


Rev. Dr. Brian Wyatt


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Paul Gabinet

Choir Director

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Joan Denney

Handbell Director / Keyboardist

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Gladys Mann


Scott Gurdak

Office Administrator

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Alfred Mann


Church Officers

Officers in the Presbyterian Church USA consist of Ruling Elders (often just called elders), Teaching Elders (also referred to as Ministers of Word and Sacrament), and Deacons. A church may choose whether or not to have Deacons, but may not go without ruling elders to govern the church. If a church chooses not to have a Board of Deacons, then the Session (the body constituted by the Elders of the Church) assumes the duties of Deacons, including pastoral care.

First Presbyterian Church, Elizabethton has 12 Elders on the Session, made up of 3 classes of 4 elders each, with one class elected each year and serving a 3 year term. We also have a board of active Deacons each year led by a Care Coordinator assisting with congregational care and needs.


Class of 2025
Charles Faust
Ginger Oaks
David Roane
Jim Sutton

Class of 2026
Jim Austin
Sue Farthing
Suzanne Moody
Delanna Reed

Class of 2027
David Cliett
Mike Rose
Brenda Wardeska


Melody Faust (Care Coordinator)
Aubrie Abernethy
Rebecca Nunley
Lydia Roane
Julia Rogers
Teresa Rose
Gregory Watterson
Jane Wyatt

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